Fruit Tart Pizza -- Super Easy, Super Delicious

Wow, has it been six years since the last time I posted a recipe?  Sorry about that, family and friends.  I have a simple, delicious one to share today:

1 Cup of your favorite quick biscuit mix (not pancake mix)
1/3 Cup of milk (you may need a little more or less)
A few pinches of sugar (you may not need this if your biscuit mix has some sweetness)
1 Brick of Neufchatel, Greek, or other cream cheese, softened to room temperature
1/2 stick butter, softened to room temperature
1/8 Cup honey (or to taste)
2 Cups sliced fresh seasonal fruits (your choice), thinly sliced
12-15 leaves of baby/micro mint
Zest of 1/2 lemon

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the biscuit mix and milk until it is fairly firm but still slightly tacky to the touch.  Depending on the brand you use, the mix may or may not have a little sweetness.  If it does not, add a few pinches of sugar to the dough.  Place your dough on a sheet of non-stick foil, cover it with another sheet of non-stick foil, and roll it out until it is pizza-dough thin.  Remove the top sheet of foil.  Bake at the temperature specified by the mix, usually 425 to 450 degrees, until the dough is cooked through and medium-brown on top.  Allow to cool to room temperature.  Once cool, remove the bottom sheet of foil and place on your serving dish.

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese and butter and mix together.  You can do it by hand, or use a mixer and do it at slow speed.  Add the honey a bit at a time and taste as you go to get to your preferred sweetness.  Honeys from different hives can vary a bit in sweetness and flavor.  This is not a super-sweet dessert, so make sure you let the tartness of the cream cheese shine through.

Fold out the cheese mix into the center of the crust, and gently spread it evenly across the entire surface.  Lay out your fruit slices as you would toppings on a pizza.  Feel free to experiment with different fruits; I find summer fruits such as berries, peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots do really well in the recipe.  Garnish with the micro mint leaves.  Drizzle some nice threads of honey over the top (adjust the honey in relation to the sweetness of the fruit).  Finish with the lemon zest right on top.

This dessert is such a delight with a summer meal from the grill.  It is fresh, surprisingly complex in flavor profile, and not too sweet.  As always, enjoy the food!
