Project Growth Diet Update (with pictures)

Dear blog followers, I'm writing this brief note to update you on the status of my Project Growth Diet. 

The good news is that I've been keeping to the diet without any problems or cravings (other than more veggies!), and I feel terrific.  Today was my 6th day without meat or refined flour products.  My Project Growth produce supply, supplemented with other fresh, healthy, natural foods, has sustained me wonderfully.

The bad news is simply that I haven't had the available time this first week to blog daily as I had been planning.  I'm keeping a list of every meal and I'm creating some awesome recipes, but you'll have to be patient for a bit until I can get them written in blog posts.

So in light of being behind anyway, let me backtrack to the beginning and share a picture just so you can see the wonderful Project Growth produce with which I started:

Here's the inventory:

* jalapeño peppers (I divided them three ways -- larger stuffable size; red ripe; and the rest)
* tomatoes (included grape, cherry, and Beefsteak tomatoes)
* bell peppers (I divided out the larger stuffable ones)

* summer squash (zucchini and yellow crookneck)
* acorn squash
* cucumbers (pickling variety)
* hybrid squash
* ruby red okra

* fresh basil
* fresh mint

Doesn't it make your mouth water just to look at the photograph?

Stay tuned, and enjoy the food!
