The "Project Growth" 21-Day Diet

First, for those of you new to my blog, let me share a link that takes you back to the beginnings of dilChef(TM) and helps explain a bit about the blog --  I love to cook, I love to create, and I love expressing my faith in Christ through these avenues.

Starting Tuesday, July 9, I am embarking on a 21-day culinary adventure.  I call it the "Project Growth Diet."  I invite you to share in this journey with me.  Here's the story...

Feed By Grace is a ministry to the homeless of Fort Worth, Texas, that is predicated on giving the homeless a hand up rather than a handout. Project Growth is one of their primary programs. Project Growth is a commercial agricultural operation that grows a variety of fruits and vegetables in their raised-bed gardens and commercial greenhouse located in the East Lancaster neighborhood, just west of downtown. Persons from the homeless community are employed and paid to tend the gardens and harvest the fruits and vegetables.  This produce is bundled and sold to individuals through churches and other distribution outlets.

I have been a supporter of FBG for some time and was recently elected to serve on the Board of Directors. I have been praying for a way to promote the ministry. At the same time, I have been on a personal quest to modify my diet and exercise behaviors to become more healthy. Recently, as I was eating some of the delicious produce I had purchased from Project Growth, the idea occurred to me to combine those two personal goals – promoting the ministry while eating healthy.  And of course, if I engage in such a culinary challenge, I'm going to create recipes and menu ideas in dilChef(TM) style and blog about it here.

For the next 21 days, I am going on the Project Growth Diet. Here are the guidelines for the diet, based on my best efforts.
  1. The diet will center on the available fresh produce from Project Growth. At least half of each day's food will come from PG. I will count “half” in terms of servings, not necessarily caloric intake.
  2. The diet will be ovo-lacto-vegetarian. What this means is that I will be fasting meat, but eggs and dairy are allowed.
  3. While PG offers a nice variety of produce, it will be necessary to supplement with other food sources to provide a balanced diet. Therefore, I will include other fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains & pseudograins, and protein sources such as legumes, eggs and dairy.
  4. To the extent possible, I plan to eat whole foods and fresh foods, and avoid processed foods. I also plan to avoid pastas, breads, and other processed-flour foods.
  5. Given my line of work, I end up eating out periodically. If I eat out, I will adhere to the parameters of the diet to the extent possible, and I will not count any restaurant servings as PG servings.
  6. The following will not count one way or the other in the diet: fresh beverages such as coffee, tea, or fruit/vegetable juice; spices, oils, herbs, or other seasonings; other basic ingredients included in food preparation.
  7. I plan to blog each day about my diet, as well as share recipes from my culinary creations, at
As I begin this process, I ask you to pause with me as I "say Grace" over the effort:

Gracious Heavenly Father, You do all things well.  Thank you for Feed By Grace and Project Growth; bless the program from the abundance of Your riches in glory.  I ask You to bless and consecrate the next 21 days of the Project Growth Diet, that it can be an encouragement to those who follow along the journey with me.  Let this be a season of miracles.  In the precious name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

Stay tuned and enjoy the food!
